Inside Dr Alex Lui's clinic

You book an appointment at our clinic

To save you time and to prepare your health case in advance, we kindly ask that you to provide our office your IME Case Number (if available) when you complete the Appointment Request Form or book your appointment.  It is printed on the Medical Report and Biodata Summary issued by IRCC. (see sample here)


What you need to bring to the appointment:

  • Original passport and/or government issued photo I.D.
  • Any official papers you received from IRCC for the exam
  • All your current medications or prescription list
  • Any recent relevant medical reports for any previous or existing conditions
  • Including any test reports and consultation reports with medical specialists
  • Eyeglasses or contact lenses, if you wear them
  • An interpreter if you do not understand or speak English fluently
  • Applicant age 15 or under must be accompanied by his/her legal guardian.
  • If you are a refugee - the Interim Federal Health (IFH) Refugee Document
  • You do not need to bring any photos. A digital photo will be taken at our office.

Also you do not need to fast, you can eat before the appointment.

On the day of your exam, our office will provide you the E-Medical document with your case number (IME/UMI) and photo identification as a proof of exam and tracking purposes.

If it is an Upfront Medical Exam (UMI) you will need to submit it with your application.

All medical results will be submitted electronically to IRCC and usually take between 5 to 7 business days after completion of all required tests and examinations.

Need more information?

To learn more information about the Immigration Medical Examination for IRCC see the medical exams and fees page.

Book an appointment by submitting an Appointment Request online or call 905-842-6922 or email us.